How I Became a Performance Consultant and Passionate Coach for Leaders

My 30 year leadership journey as a military officer, professional sports coach and CEO.

Athlete running coach-for-leaders
How would I describe myself? A high-performance leadership consultant who spends a great deal of time in the gym!

My story starts at age 18 when I embarked on my military career in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF). I spent over a decade training elite units, gaining a deep insight into what it takes to achieve high-performance. I finished both the Commanders Course and the Officers Course as an outstanding battalion cadet. I transferred my focus, commitment and determination to the soldiers who I trained. They, in turn, excelled.

My view of life is not to strive to be the best but to strive to be your best; aiming high and knowing that whatever target you have set for yourself, you’ve given it your all. This philosophy followed me into the sporting world (along the way I became a qualified fitness coach) where I coached Israel’s national swimming team to reach 8th place in the world finals.

My academic journey started when I took up a position at Kisharon, an organisation for children and adults with special needs. I spent the next seven years studying at night, completing a BA (Hons) in Education and an MA in Special Education. Shortly afterwards I was appointed Chief Executive. I introduced a culture of high performance where motivation was high and standards were higher.

In 2005, I completed an MBA and joined the Centre for Strategy and Communication as a Senior Leadership Trainer. I became increasingly intrigued as to what was going on in the minds of leaders which created a barrier to high performance and went on to study Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

For the past 15 years I've done what I love: coaching leaders to high performance, instilling in them the same focus and determination which helped me to succeed. 

Whether it’s moving from good to great or overcoming significant challenges, if you’re clear about what you want to achieve, I will help you get there.
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