Leadership Consultancy and Coaching; London, the UK and the World

NLP techniques and a razor-sharp focus enable me to swiftly understand the challenges you’re facing and how to address them.

David Goodman coaching london

I employ a three-pronged approach:

Identify areas of weakness

Make recommendations for change

Support the implementation of these recommendations

Drawing on my military background, I believe in keeping things to the point. I am straightforward, honest and respectful when delivering on my findings.

I use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques to give individuals the self-confidence and motivation to achieve success, overcome challenges and fulfil their potential.
I have an insightful approach to  leadership coaching and am able to analyse an individual’s words and behaviour to uncover the real issues at play – not just practical issues, but personal ones too.

And it doesn’t matter where in the world you are as I have achieved great results via video sessions. Face-to-face meetings are not critical!

My coaching style is based on mutual trust, belief and respect. I trust that the participant has the ability to achieve the goals they have set themselves and they trust me to support them to succeed.

I build strong relationships with my clients. Creating this partnership allows me to take them on a journey without them feeling threatened. I empower them to take the lead and achieve great things. 
"I am single-minded in my focus.
Your success is my goal"
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