High-Performance Consultant and Leadership Coach for Schools

Introducing coaching for the head teacher, their senior leadership team or department heads, will help them achieve in areas where previously they may have been struggling having a positive impact on the school as a whole.

School leadership image
For the last 15 years I’ve been working with schools across the UK and abroad: raising standards of management, helping the school to run more effectively and enhancing learning opportunities for pupils.

I have first-hand experience of the challenges faced by school governors and senior management through my 20 year experience as Vice Principal and CEO of a large faith school, managing 120 staff across multiple sites.

Your school leaders may be experiencing difficulties managing their time, delegating effectively, or successfully motivating their team. The starting point is a meeting with school leaders to understand what they want to achieve. Why am I here? What are their issues?

This is followed by an in-depth Strategic Performance Review which enables me to uncover where attention is needed in order to bring about positive change. I work closely with your leaders to overcome challenges and instigate far-reaching change within your school.

My Smart School Framework is a detailed weekly schedule that helps school leaders carve out time for the critical elements of school leadership: classroom visits and observations, supporting staff, senior leadership team meetings and school administration. It includes comprehensive instructions that enable the school leader to invest their time in improving staff performance, thereby raising standards in the classroom.

Follow this framework, and a programme of high-performance leadership coaching, and you’ll see your school run more efficiently and effectively. Staff will be more motivated, working together towards long-term goals rather than ‘fire-fighting’ on a daily basis.

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